Wednesday, September 9, 2009


A few weeks ago we moved in our new house.
And after all the cleaning, unpacking and putting things away,
we decided that we just couldn't live without a chalk wall.

So after buying the paint, taping, painting on two coats of paint...

A lot of hard work I'm telling you. Phew, I'm sooo tired already...
I think I better lay down for a nice siesta..


Ok, so maybe none of the work was done by me...
but I did come up with the idea - that has to count for something!

Viola! - A brand new chalk wall just waiting to be scribbled all over!


Jessica said...

I LOVE your chalk wall! I've always wanted to use that chalkboard paint! And I love how your doggy is munching away in the background. :)

Unknown said...

It never would have gotten done without your excellent project management skills. Way to delegate. I'm sure it took a lot out of you. :)